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Physical Design Methodology Engineer at Texas Instruments

  Hello Dear Readers, Texas Instruments Bangalore has a vacancy for the Physical Design Engineer role. We need an Physical Design Methodology Engineer to join our ATD team. The candidate should have a strong background in back-end design of ASIC/SoC chips. The ideal candidate will have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in Electrical Engineering or a related field. Requirements: 1 - 2 Years of experience in physical design Bachelor’s or master’s degree in Electrical/Electronics Engineering or a related field Strong understanding of physical design principles Must know the basics of floorplan, placement, CTS, routing, ECO, Physical Verification Proficiency in back-end design tools, such as Cadence Genus/Innovus/Tempus/Voltus Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail Effective communication and collaboration skills Responsibilities: Synthesis to GDSII Perform full Physical design flow and its verification Work closely with Digital Design and DFT engineers Ensure...

Restoring And Non Restoring Division Algorithms Using Verilog HDL

 Hello Dear Readers,

Today In this post I have implemented Restoring Division Algorithm Using Verilog HDL. So I have followed this One video from Tutorial Point Youtube Channel So go through it before Verilog code.

start means the start of the division; busy indicates that the divider is busy (cannot start a new division); ready indicates that the quotient and remainder are available, and the count is the output of a counter that is used to control the iterations of the division.

Verilog Code(Restoring):

module divider_32(a,b,start,clk,reset,q,r,busy,ready,count);
input [31:0] a; // dividend
input [15:0] b; // divisor
input start; // start
input clk,reset; // clk,reset
output [31:0] q; // quotient
output [15:0] r; // remainder
output reg busy; // busy
output reg ready; // ready
output [4:0] count; // counter
reg [31:0] reg_q;
reg [15:0] reg_r;
reg [15:0] reg_b;
reg [4:0] count;
wire [16:0] sub_out = {reg_r,reg_q[31]} - {1'b0,reg_b}; // sub
wire [15:0] mux_out = sub_out[16]? // restoring logic
{reg_r[14:0],reg_q[31]} : sub_out[15:0]; // or not
assign q = reg_q;
assign r = reg_r;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset) begin
if (!reset) begin
busy <= 0;
ready <= 0;
end else begin
if (start) begin
reg_q <= a; // load a
reg_b <= b; // load b
reg_r <= 0;
busy <= 1;
ready <= 0;
count <= 31;
end else if (busy) begin
reg_q <= {reg_q[30:0],~sub_out[16]}; // << 1
reg_r <= mux_out;
count <= count - 5'b1; // counter++
  if (count == 5'h0) begin // finished
    busy <= 0;
    ready <= 1; // q,r ready

Verilog Code(Non Restoring):

module nonrestore_32(a,b,start,clk,reset,q,r,busy,ready,count);
   input [31:0] a; // dividend
   input [15:0] b; // divisor
input start; // start
   input clk,reset; // clk,reset
   output [31:0] q; // quotient
   output [15:0] r; // remainder
   output reg busy; // busy
   output reg ready; // ready
   output [4:0] count; // count
   reg [31:0] reg_q;
   reg [15:0] reg_r;
   reg [15:0] reg_b;
   reg [4:0] count;
wire [16:0] sub_add = reg_r[15]?
{reg_r,reg_q[31]} + {1'b0,reg_b} : // + b
{reg_r,reg_q[31]} - {1'b0,reg_b}; // - b
   assign q = reg_q;
   assign r = reg_r[15]? reg_r + reg_b : reg_r; // adjust r
always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset) begin
       if (!reset) begin
           busy <= 0;
           ready <= 0;
        else begin
           if (start) begin
              reg_q <= a; // load a
              reg_b <= b; // load b
              reg_r <= 0;
              busy <= 1;
              ready <= 0;
              count <= 0;
        end else if (busy) begin
              reg_q <= {reg_q[30:0],~sub_add[16]}; // << 1
              reg_r <= sub_add[15:0];
              count <= count + 5'b1; // count++
         if (count == 5'h1f) begin // finish
               busy <= 0;
               ready <= 1; // q,r ready


module tb();
   reg [31:0] a; // dividend
reg [15:0] b; // divisor
reg start; // start
reg clk,reset; // clk,reset
wire [31:0] q; // quotient
wire [15:0] r; // remainder
wire busy; // busy
wire ready; // ready
wire [4:0] count; // counter

//Device Under Test(DUT)
 divider_32 test(a,b,start,clk,reset,q,r,busy,ready,count);
  #2 clk=~clk; 
initial begin



Timing Parameters:

  Minimum period: 5.325ns (Maximum Frequency: 187.786MHz)
 Minimum input arrival time before clock: 4.389ns
 Maximum output required time after clock: 4.252ns

Simulational Results:


  1. Thanks for your effort for giving test bench also and you are only one who provide complete expected code.

  2. Great post ☺️

  3. Wow Non restore also added


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