module fir_4tap(input Clk,input signed [7:0] Xin,output reg signed [15:0] Yout);
//Internal variables.
wire signed [7:0] H0,H1,H2,H3;
wire signed [15:0] MCM_block0,MCM_block1,MCM_block2,MCM_block3,shift_add_out1,shift_add_out2,shift_add_out3,Q1,Q2,Q3;
//filter coefficient initializations.
//h(n) = [-1 -2 5 -1].
assign H0 = -1;
assign H1 = -2;
assign H2 = 5;
assign H3 = -1;
//Multiple constant multiplications.
assign MCM_block3 = H3*Xin;
assign MCM_block2 = H2*Xin;
assign MCM_block1 = H1*Xin;
assign MCM_block0 = H0*Xin;
assign shift_add_out1 = Q1 + MCM_block2;
assign shift_add_out2 = Q2 + MCM_block1;
assign shift_add_out3 = Q3 + MCM_block0;
//flipflop instantiations (for introducing a delay).
DFF dff1 (.Clk(Clk),.D(MCM_block3),.Q(Q1));
DFF dff2 (.Clk(Clk),.D(shift_add_out1),.Q(Q2));
DFF dff3 (.Clk(Clk),.D(shift_add_out2),.Q(Q3));
//Assign the last adder output to final output.
always@ (posedge Clk)
Yout <= shift_add_out3;
module DFF(input Clk,input [15:0] D,output reg [15:0] Q);
always@ (posedge Clk)
Q = D;
module test_bench;
// Inputs
reg Clk;
reg signed [7:0] Xin ;
// Outputs
wire signed [15:0] Yout;
integer outfile1,outfile2;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
fir_4tap uut (
//Generate a clock with 10 ns clock period.
initial Clk = 0;
#5 Clk =~Clk;
//Initialize and apply the inputs.
initial begin
Xin =0; #40;
$fwrite(outfile1,"%d\n",Xin); //write as decimal
$fwrite(outfile2,"%d\n",Yout); //write as decimal
Xin =0.5; #10;
$fwrite(outfile1,"%d\n",Xin); //write as decimal
$fwrite(outfile2,"%d\n",Yout); //write as decimal
Xin =1; #10;
$fwrite(outfile1,"%d\n",Xin); //write as decimal
$fwrite(outfile2,"%d\n",Yout); //write as decimal
Xin =1.5; #10;
$fwrite(outfile1,"%d\n",Xin); //write as decimal
$fwrite(outfile2,"%d\n",Yout); //write as decimal
Xin =2; #10;
$fwrite(outfile1,"%d\n",Xin); //write as decimal
$fwrite(outfile2,"%d\n",Yout); //write as decimal
Xin =1.6; #10;
$fwrite(outfile1,"%d\n",Xin); //write as decimal
$fwrite(outfile2,"%d\n",Yout); //write as decimal
Xin =0.8; #10;
$fwrite(outfile1,"%d\n",Xin); //write as decimal
$fwrite(outfile2,"%d\n",Yout); //write as decimal
Xin =0.5; #10;
$fwrite(outfile1,"%d\n",Xin); //write as decimal
$fwrite(outfile2,"%d\n",Yout); //write as decimal
Xin =0; #10;
$fwrite(outfile1,"%d\n",Xin); //write as decimal
$fwrite(outfile2,"%d\n",Yout); //write as decimal
Xin =-0.5; #10;
$fwrite(outfile1,"%d\n",Xin); //write as decimal
$fwrite(outfile2,"%d\n",Yout); //write as decimal
Xin =-1; #10;
$fwrite(outfile1,"%d\n",Xin); //write as decimal
$fwrite(outfile2,"%d\n",Yout); //write as decimal
Xin =-1.2; #10;
$fwrite(outfile1,"%d\n",Xin); //write as decimal
$fwrite(outfile2,"%d\n",Yout); //write as decimal
Xin =-2; #10;
$fwrite(outfile1,"%d\n",Xin); //write as decimal
$fwrite(outfile2,"%d\n",Yout); //write as decimal
Xin =-1.7; #10;
$fwrite(outfile1,"%d\n",Xin); //write as decimal
$fwrite(outfile2,"%d\n",Yout); //write as decimal
Xin =-1.2; #10;
$fwrite(outfile1,"%d\n",Xin); //write as decimal
$fwrite(outfile2,"%d\n",Yout); //write as decimal
Xin =-0.8; #10;
$fwrite(outfile1,"%d\n",Xin); //write as decimal
$fwrite(outfile2,"%d\n",Yout); //write as decimal
Xin =-0.4; #10;
$fwrite(outfile1,"%d\n",Xin); //write as decimal
$fwrite(outfile2,"%d\n",Yout); //write as decimal
Xin =0; #10;
$fwrite(outfile1,"%d\n",Xin); //write as decimal
$fwrite(outfile2,"%d\n",Yout); //write as decimal
Simulational Results:
Summary of the Obtained Timing Specification:
Timing Specification:
1.Minimum period: 3.644ns (Maximum Frequency: 274.424MHz)
2. Minimum input arrival time before clock: 9.081ns (Setup Time)
3. Maximum output required time after clock: 4.040ns (Hold Time)
Great post you are first person who is this much technically writing blogging keep it up.
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading it is my pleasure.
Deletewhat a post brother thanks for posting i have try it and change according to my requirement.
ReplyDeleteIt is in complete level of the data path means RTL Verilog code right? what we do for the gate level code.
ReplyDeleteSo you need to design adder and multiplier at gate level and then instant them in your main code where addition and multiplication is required.